17 Hilarious Parents' Devastating Insults And Comebacks

    No one can zing you quite like your mom and dad.

    1. The mom whose comeback left her daughter a pile of dust on the floor:

    Daughter: You're invading my personal space Mom: You came out of my personal space

    2. And the TV-meteorologist dad who rained on his daughter's parade:

    3. The mom who called it like she saw it:

    my mom said why didn't you just dress as a 3rd wheel

    4. And this dad who didn't hold back, either:

    5. The mom who sent this lightning bolt to her daughter's phone:

    6. The mom who set her sights on her nephew:

    7. And the dad who stood up for dad bods everywhere:

    @mitchthammarath Shrek grossed 484 million. Lol nice try dude.

    8. The mom who pulled a "Did I do that?" when texting about the movie Lion (which tells the tale of a young boy who got lost and didn't see his family again for 20 years):

    Texts with my mom after watching “Lion”:

    9. The dad whose funny comeback 100% guaranteed his kid slept in his bed that night:

    daughter: can i keep the night light on? me: and provide the monsters with a beacon to your location? use your head, sweetie

    10. The mom who — after sharing a stop-motion video her 10-year-old son made — destroyed this joy killer in the comments:

    11. And the dad who destroyed his son's manly moment:

    12. The mom who — after her son complained about the photo she posted of him — dissed him into the shadow realm:

    13. And the mom who turned her friendly fire on Dad:

    My mom just won the roast of the year award

    14. The dad who hit his kid with this dad classic:

    15. The mom who reminded her kid who came first:

    16. The mom who busted out this emoji to respond to her kid's request for a hamster:

    17. And the dad who sent this to his daughter...just because: