14 Hilariously Bad Pranks Kids Tried To Pull On Their Parents

    Nice try, kids.

    1. This low-budget prank that gets an "A" for effort.

    2. This "convince your dad his computer doesn't like him" prank.

    3. This very scary homemade bat a kid left in his mom's bed.

    4. This "toothpaste in an Oreo" prank that looks like a real Oreo if you squint incredibly hard.

    5. This DIY gag mug that would've been very funny if it weren't for the very obvious piece of tape.

    6. This heart-stopping "plastic lizard on a water glass" prank.

    7. This "stuffed snake in the fridge" nightmare.

    8. These 100% convincing T-Rex footprints in the sandbox.

    9. This not quite undetectable "saran wrap on the toilet" gag.

    10. This chilling note... in a kid's handwriting.

    11. This timeless "wake up to find a Minecraft toy leaning against you" prank.

    12. These oh so very real looking bed bugs.

    13. This note which would've worked better if it read "I am a monkey butt."

    14. And this ghost prank that went very, very wrong.