
Mike A.

"You know, every day I get out of bed and drag myself to the next cup of coffee. I take a sip and the caffeine kicks in, I can focus my eyes again, my brain starts to order the day. I'm up, I'm alive. I'm ready to rock. The time is coming when I wake up and decide I'm not getting out of bed. I'm not getting up for coffee or food or sex. If it comes to me, fine; if it won't, fine. No more expectations. The longer I live the less I know. I should know more. I should know that coffee's killing me. You're suspicious of your suspicions? I'm jealous. I'm so jealous. You still have the heart to have doubts? Me... ...I gotta do this; this is my job. This is the deal, this is the law, this is my day. I have no doubts or suspicions anymore. Heart has nothing to do with it anymore. It's all in the caffeine.," Frank Pembleton, "H:LotS" "A while back, when Dick and Barry and I agreed that what really matters is what you like, not what you are like. Books, records, films -- these things matter. Call me shallow but it's the fucking truth," Rob Gordon, "High Fidelity"

Mar 2010
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