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    The Good, The Bad And The Punny.

    It's been a pretty slow day at work, here are some cringe-inducing Blu-ray puns.

    By way of background, (and for those who lead more productive lives than I do) is a surprisingly comprehensive website that features thorough reviews of Blu-ray films and sheds light on aspects of image and sound quality, as well as the worthiness of special features and filmmaker commentaries. One area where the site does not particularly shine, however, is in the astoundingly corny puns used to describe said aspects. And that's coming from me, a girl who gets her lifeblood from bad puns.

    I've gathered up a few of my favorites here for your reading pleasure.

    These aren't the puns you're looking for...

    And finally, my personal favorite and the inspiration for this list:

    Pun credit where pun credit is due: thanks to the nerds over at for these interstellar tech-spec puns.