Where is Jake Wallace now?

    All of the answers you've always wanted.

    He was once a lowly band kid with unkempt hair.

    Then he cut his hair, and started wearing only blue plaid shirts.

    He joined the mustache club.

    He joined theater.

    Then he really joined the mustache club.

    He started smoking...

    And he never learned how to tie his shoes.

    And, yes, his mommy still dresses him.

    He studied the finer points of becoming a nun for weeks on end.

    His work ethic is astounding!

    And, miraculously, he graduated high school.

    Today, he is known for his superior intellect and world knowledge.

    Further proof of superior intellect.

    He is an active schlemiel.

    And he definitely shouldn't have eaten those kids.

    Now he is currently running for #HipsterPres2016

    He is an ass

    He stared directly at the sun

    He buried his best friend

    He accidentally showered with hat on

    He went on his first paranormal investigation

    He joined an MLM


    He wondered bout mullets

    Is he Baphomet?