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    Student Help

    Hey there! It seems like you are trying to help someone, could it be me? But before you help me let me introduce myself, standing in your position I would not feel comfortable giving some money away to a complete stranger doing God know´s what with the money, and I don´t want you to think that´s me so let me begin. I´m a Mexican citizen born in Monterrey, Mexico. I´ve been homeschooled since kinder garden in a American School System, my father is a professional photographer (you can check out his website below), I help my dad out sometimes with some photography jobs. I´m currently in 12th grade and I am in need of a laptop with special software programming (I´ll be taking a Harvard subject called CS50 on computer programming), my dad told me that he could help me out with some money and that I could pay whatever was left, but we have been struggling economically. If some of you do not know, being a professional photographer means that you have work seasons some months are great, others not great. So if I would take my father´s money I would be doing that selfishly, and I refuse to do that because it's not right, so I decided not to use a laptop and fail some assignments in class or ask someone to lend me their computer which is not right (and worse case scenario). Then I heard about Indiegogo (, and I come to you with this project. I am asking you to donate whatever you feel like donating, there´s no pressure, and I promise that I´ll donate the excess money back to fulfill someone else´s necessity.