Hamish & Andy Prank Called Someone About A Job Reference And His Answers Were Amazing

    "Tim Barnard ya bastard...."

    Yesterday, Australian radio presenters Hamish and Andy, managed to stumble upon, what is fair to call, Australia's best bloke.

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    Melbourne resident, James Lord, was caught off-guard with a phone call from Hamish posing as "Tim Barnard" who needed some help in the job reference department.

    And James, like the true bloody legend he is, obviously agreed to help out his new mate.

    Then, proving pure bull-artistry is a skill all Aussies are inherently born with, James came through for "Tim" when the "company" gave him a call.

    James even managed to tackle some of the tricky questions that were thrown his way.

    Although James thought the call was a bit strange he told BuzzFeed that he was committed to "trying to nail this for this bloke".

    While he didn't expect anything to come of the call, he has since been flooded with "at least 500 friend requests" and "triple-figure inboxes" with messages talking about how much of legend he is.

    Facebook: video.php

    When asked if there was anything else he wanted to add, James simply responded with: “Nah not really, it was just a good, classic stitch-up”.

    Facebook: james.lord.144