The Pumpkin Spice Latte Made It To Australia And They're Actually OK

    It was truly... something else.

    Starbucks has finally brought everyone's favourite basic beverage, the Pumpkin Spice Latte, to Australia, and naturally I just had to try it.

    Look I know it's spring. I don't know why they decided to release it now. Please don't @ me about this.

    Since you can get the drink in a hot version and an iced version, I decided to bring along Jemima, who has tried the god-level drink in the US before.

    Also because I do not like coffee, and cannot possibly consume like 700 mLs of coffee and milk alone, you know?

    And it's a good thing I did, because she was very quick to correct my assumption that the drink would taste like pumpkins.

    So with that fresh information, we ordered one iced Pumpkin Spice Latte and one hot one, you know, for research.

    Naturally because we didn't have our uggs, chunky-knit scarf, or leggings, we just had to settle for the go-to basic Snapchat filters.

    And well, our reactions were pretty mixed.

    But compared to America, Jemima thought the drinks weren't as creamy or as flavourful as the original.

    So there you have it. The hot version is a certified VIBE whereas the cold one, not so much.