18 Things That Are, Sorry But I Have To Say It, Just Downright Bloody Un-Australian

    You've gotta be pulling my fuckin' leg, mate.

    1. This Caramello Koala with absolutely zero trace of any caramel.

    2. This takeaway charging for chicken salt. SALT. YES. MONEY FOR SALT.

    3. And this $6 charge for SAUCE. SIX. SIX FUCKING DOLLARS.

    4. This deconstructed Vegemite toast, which may just be the most disrespectful thing to happen to yeast spread yet.

    5. And it only just beat out this abysmal excuse for actual fully constructed Vegemite toast.

    6. This pub that shafted the people of Daryl Braithwaite's greatest hit.

    7. And literally whoever stole this blue kayak from the car park.

    8. This proof that global warming has many painful effects.

    9. And this extremely disrespectful glass case of wheat.

    10. This unacceptable gaming sabotage.

    11. These... uh, whatever these things being served at a cafe are.

    12. This unacceptable late night servo sight.

    13. Whichever monster was responsible for the need of this sign.

    14. And anyone else who thinks mustard and pies are an acceptable food combo.

    15. This extremely unnecessary food combination that I am certain no one asked for.

    16. And this paleo and vegan, gluten, dairy, soy, egg, and refined sugar-free cauliflower "ANZAC" "biscuit" that just left me winded trying to say aloud.

    17. This piss poor excuse for a chicken parma.

    18. And literally anyone not dressed like this man.