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How To Do A Hard Reset On Your Life In 2018

I'm no expert but I don't think next year can be any worse than 2017.

Hello, everyone. I'm Michelle and I think we can all agree that 2017 was a shitshow.

1. Cut toxic people from your life.

2. And learn how to accept defeat when you need to, and know when to move on.

3. Declutter everything digitally.

4. And bring your inbox to zero before the year starts.

5. Put your health first, both mental and physical.

Me: Who needs antidepressants? I'll just listen to Hey Ya by Outkast daily Narrator: But things were not alright alright alright alright

Via Twitter: @abbynotabigail_

"Getting healthy" for your New Year's resolution shouldn't just be focused on your physical health. Sure, running on a treadmill is great but it won't do much for your mind if you're tired and stressed. Try meditation, breathing exercises, or even talking to a professional if you feel you need it.

6. And ask for help when you need it.

7. Do a major closet clean-out.

8. And do a deep clean of everything, like your house, your car, and your work desk.

9. Write a list of goals by year, month, and week.

10. Challenge yourself by finding a new hobby or committing to learning something new.

11. Put a focus on a good night's sleep.

12. Get in the habit of making your bed.

13. Change your perspective.

14. Don't say yes to things you don't really want to do.

15. Review your finances, set goals, and create a savings plan.

16. Actively try to do something nice for someone every day.

17. Buy yourself a plant.

18. And leave any and all bad vibes in 2017 where they belong.

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