22 Of The Worst Things That Have Happened To Pizza

    I'm personally offended.

    1. This failed attempt at multi-tasking.

    2. And this really fucking bad time management.

    3. This poor attempt at spreading out toppings.

    4. And this straight-up clumsy disrespect.

    5. This stupidity that really could have been prevented.

    6. And this one that was probably just an honest (but painful) mistake.

    7. This embarrassing attempt at a vegetarian pizza.

    8. And this shitty go at vegan.

    9. This really poor delivery form.

    10. And this even worse, super slippery delivery mishap.

    11. This fool calling it "zza" when it's actually just bread with a few leaves.

    12. And this sorry excuse that just looks like sadness.

    13. This really sad pepperoni order.

    14. And this more generous, but way too crisp variant.

    15. This pizza with not enough.

    16. And this one with way, way too much.

    17. This slice that took the "out there" toppings a little too out there.

    18. And this one that was just showing off.

    19. This pizza place that couldn't be arsed getting a bigger box.

    20. And this one that got a bit too excited with the food colour.

    21. This really sad frozen pizza tale.

    22. And worst of all, these pizza-less pizza rolls.