People Are Freaking Out Over Whether They See A Hugging Emoji Or A Film Camera 🫂

    This is the prayer hands/high-five saga all over again.

    The creation of emojis is probably one of the greatest communication upgrades that has happened in the last 25 years.

    i started using emojis as a joke now i b Iike 😈💘🧚🏼🧚🏼🥰🥺💀🥺👀🧚🏼😌🧚🏼✨💖😌💘✨👁👄👁💯👯‍♀️🧿👅🙈🙈😈❤️❤️🤩😳😭

    — jay ❀ུ۪ (@jayhs1k) September 19, 2020
    Twitter: @jayhs1k
    Sure, we've got smart phones now, the internet is infinitely faster, and VR headsets allow us to literally enter another dimension from our couches — but there's just something about sending a sweet little emoji to top off the end of a sentence that hits the spot.

    Yet even with how great emojis are, there's no denying they can sometimes get confusing.

    This 😩 means moan? I thought this was a sigh emoji..

    — Lee⁷ (@baselinebae) June 29, 2020
    Twitter: @baselinebae

    How can anyone forget the chaos that ensued when people tried to claim 🙏 was actually a high-five and not prayer hands?

    Then there's the ongoing debate over whether 😭 represents sadness, pride, embarrassment or unmatched happiness.

    me trying not to use the 😭 emoji in every other sentence

    — maze ☆ (@m0sstrx) September 25, 2023
    Twitter: @m0sstrx
    The Holy Book of Emojis™️ calls this one the 'Loudly Crying Face' and defines it as 'inconsolable grief or other intense feelings' which seems like a wildly broad range of emotions to represent.

    But turns out, there’s yet another emoji that has left people confused for months: This bad boy 🫂.

    Now why I thought this 🫂 emoji was this camera 🎥 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾

    — juski (IG: EARRINGDEALER) (@earringdealer1) August 31, 2021
    Twitter: @earringdealer1

    As proven by TikTok user @kehoee, this confusion between the 'film camera' emoji and 'people hugging' emoji is actually more common than you think.

    In a since-deleted viral video on the same topic, another user who goes by M (@communismisforthekids) herself pondered why everyone was seemingly "posting a film camera" up until "a couple weeks ago".    

    “I might be a fucking idiot,” she started her TikTok. “But every time I see the hugging emoji – now I know it’s a hugging emoji – but for the last, um, ever since I knew it existed, I would look at it and be like, ‘Why is everyone posting a film camera?’”

    And astonishingly, @kehoee and M are not the only ones who have been making this mistake.


    ITS THE SAME SHAPE OKAY???? Pls tell me im not the only one 🫠 #emilieleyes #mentalhealth

    ♬ original sound - Emilie Leyes • Hypnosis
    Also "only realising this month", TikTok influencer Emilie Leyes shared her realisation that people weren't actually sending her an "old-fashioned film camera turned to the side" to show support on her content. 

    "I was always so confused why people always commented that emoji, of a camera, on my videos about mental health," Leyes laughed. "I literally thought that it was people saying 'that's a good video 👍' — it makes sense now."

    Now according to Emojipedia, and well, my eyes, 🫂 is definitely two people hugging.

    But what did you see at first glance: An old school film camera or a two people embracing in a warm hug?