21 Photos That'll Make You Laugh Then Ask, "OK, But Why?"

    I have no idea what's going on anymore.

    1. This delicious dessert combo:

    2. And this spooky summoning:

    3. This useful cleaning appliance:

    4. And this chicken with a lil' side of consent:

    5. This sex query:

    6. And this waiting game:

    7. This dedication to Grandan and Nanner:

    8. And this attempt at a good deed:

    9. This delicious Mexican feast:

    10. And this corny hairstyle:

    11. This plan to save Earth:

    12. And this quick math:

    13. This spicy conversation:

    14. And this new Arilama banger:

    15. This costly part of history:

    16. This cereal-bar mishap:

    17. And this gang-loving snack:

    18. This fountain of nowledge:

    19. And this lengthy pregnancy:

    20. This easy-to-pass test:

    21. And, well, this lover of all phones: