Chad From "The Bachelorette" Said Half The Contestants Are Cheaters

    He's the gift that keeps on giving.

    Tonight, there’s a new episode of The Bachelorette — the first episode with no Chad.

    Even though Chad is no longer with us (RIP), the dude's not going away ANYTIME soon.

    This morning on Andy Cohen’s SiriusXM show, Andy had quite the gossip sesh with the good ol' Chad Bear.

    And to briefly summarize, here's what Chad had to say:

    1. He's not a violent meathead.

    2. He thinks Luke is the best-looking guy in the house besides himself.

    3. JoJo was only his type "looks-wise."

    4. And apparently, half the guys in the house are cheating on their girlfriends.

    Let's expand on this, shall we?

    You might remember last week when Chad did a very Chad thing and Instagrammed a pic of himself and Robby’s ex-girlfriend kissing.

    WELL, ABOUT THAT. Andy asked him if he was trying to get under Robby’s skin — but no, Chad had other reasons.

    “You got all these guys going on the show. They’re acting so nice, ‘They’re such good guys,'" he told Andy.

    "At the end of the day, half these guys are cheating on their girlfriends, half of them broke up with girlfriends to be on the show.”

    But you know who is a good guy? Chad.

    Do with this information what you will, but I think we can all agree that casting Chad on Bachelor in Paradise was a damn good idea.