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Here Are 18 Street Foods You Can Only Get In East Africa

From cardamom doughnuts and roasted meat, to stuffed pancakes and sugarcane juice.

A quickly growing cosmopolitan country, Kenya is packed with beaches, natural wonders, and street bites hard to find anywhere else.

1. Mahamri

2. Bhajia

3. Chapati

4. Uji

5. Chapati With Egg and Cheese

6. Grilled maize

7. Mshikaki

8. Sugarcane

9. Sugarcane juice

10. Dagaa

11. Fried Cassava

12. Fried Packed Potatoes With Coconut Chutney

13. Kachumbari

14. Dengu Stew

15. Mutura

16. Ugali

17. Heart of Palm

18. Nyama Choma

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