This House In Michigan Is The Definition Of Extra, And You Can Actually Buy It

    This house has everything: A crocheted ceiling, an altar to Elvis, and all of the creepy statues your heart desires.

    Hello visitor, and welcome to the Lion Gate Estate, located in Detroit, Michigan.

    From the outside, this home looks pretty standard, with just slightly overdone fencing and floral accents.

    But let's step right in, shall we? :-) Have a seat in what I call Jeff Koons' IRL mood board.

    If you're thinking, "This is the physical definition of 'extra,'" then you're not wrong.

    Every room is like a Where's Waldo, but instead of "Waldo" it's "HOLY SHIT OMFG has that been there the whole time?!!"

    Have you ever wanted to live in a spatial manifestation of a Pumpkin Spice Latte? Because if so, you have arrived.

    "It's not like it has a crocheted ceiling," you might think, before looking up.

    There's literally at least one inanimate object watching you in every single room.

    Surely the kitchen — a destination exclusively reserved for kitchen gadgets and practical tools — can't be weird, can it?!!

    Look at all those ceramic chefs! TOTALLY CHILL.

    If you told me there was a real, live human being somewhere in this photo, I honestly would believe you.

    And if you can't find enough friends to fit in this cafeteria/altar to Elvis...

    Then you'll have the resources to pick up at least 32 new hobbies in this game room.