21 Things Former College Students Would Have Done Differently If They Had A Chance To Do College Over Again

    There's a whole lot to learn out there.

    Four years of college fly by faster than you think. It's riddled with a mix of late-night study sessions, parties, and a whole lot of classes.

    When Reddit user u/gottalovecarina asked, "If you could do college over, what would you do different?" a bunch of former students chimed in with tips they wish their former selves had known.

    So whether you're starting a new semester or planning to apply for university sometime in the future, here are the most memorable responses to the thread that'll give you some food for thought. Take a look:

    1. To start, improve your study skills, and realize it doesn't have to all be done on your own:

    The House Bunny

    2. Make it a point to get to know your professors more:

    How to Get Away with Murder

    3. Become a master at networking:

    Boy Meets World

    4. Realize school can actually feel like a full-time job and should be treated as such:

    The Magicians

    5. Consider going to community college first to help save some cash while you finish your general ed:


    6. Make an appointment with your advisor regularly for advice on class scheduling and more:

    Veronica Mars

    7. Explore the extracurriculars your campus offers:


    8. Learn to embrace being truly yourself:

    Sabrina the Teenage Witch

    9. Feeling extra motivated or can't pick just one thing to study? Opt to do a double major:

    Fresh Meat

    10. Try stepping out of your comfort zone:

    Legally Blonde

    11. Speed up your graduation day by taking extra units over the summer:

    Monsters University

    12. Learn how to balance your time properly:

    Pitch Perfect

    13. Be open to switching your major if it's not working out for you:

    22 Jump Street

    14. Moving for school? Think of what it would be like making it your home post-grad day:

    Monsters University

    15. If traditional college isn't quite the right fit for you, apply to a trade school instead or explore other paths that may interest you more:

    Dawson's Creek

    16. Do research on your major and what job prospects may look like once you're out of school:

    Beverly Hills, 90210

    17. Try to avoid distractions and remain focused as much as you can:

    Dawson's Creek

    18. You're learning something new every day no matter if you're in or out of the classroom setting:


    19. It's never too late to decide to go to college:


    20. Want to know if you're in the right major? Apply for an internship for some hands-on experience:

    The Devil Wears Prada

    21. Finally, understand that grades aren't the only thing that matter in college:


    What would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments!