21 Things Every Mom Friend 100% Does

    Every group always has a mom.

    1. You're responsible for rounding up the troops to head home after a crazy night out:

    2. You track your friend's Uber ride to make sure they get home safe:

    3. Or you just drive them home yourself as the designated driver:

    4. And you never fail to send your friends "Are you home yet?" texts:

    5. You stalk your friends' Tinder dates online to make sure they're not creepy:

    6. You're on standby in case a friend calls to rescue them from an awful date:

    7. It's basically a given that you'll be there to hold your friend's hair back when they've had too much to drink:

    8. And you always come in clutch with some Gatorade and aspirin to ease your friends' hangover misery:

    9. You're like a walking pantry because you always have snacks and water with you everywhere you go:

    10. And you always have bandages in case someone has an annoying blister or pesky paper cut:

    11. You keep an eye out for your friends because you know them better than they know themselves:

    12. You're always there to talk your friends out of drunk texting an ex:

    13. You lend an ear whenever your friends need to vent:

    14. And you know just what to say when they need that extra boost of encouragement:

    15. You have extra pillows and blankets on hand in case one of your BFFs spends the night:

    16. You're the first to call and make a reservation for brunch on the weekend:

    17. You plan out all of the big and small details on a trip:

    18. And you always end up being the one to navigate on road trips:

    19. You set an alarm to remind everyone to check in for their flights exactly 24 hours before:

    20. You wake up early to make breakfast for everyone without question:

    21. And finally, you don't mind being the mom friend because you love your friends so damn much:

    Want to know how much of a mom friend you really are? Take this quiz and find out!