21 Reasons Dating In Your Twenties Is The Fucking Worst

    The woes of singledom.

    1. When you're told there are plenty of fish in the sea but you're out here swimming in an empty ocean:

    2. When the holidays roll around and your family asks why you're still single:

    3. When your dating life actually feels like a reality show:

    4. When you inevitably go back on your word:

    5. When the timing never seems to be right:

    6. When you think you've found your prince but it's actually just another frog:

    7. And when it feels nearly impossible to make solid plans with someone:

    8. When it's just a matter of time till someone ghosts:

    9. When you're sick and tired of hearing about your friends' relationships:

    10. When you ignore your friend's warnings about that fuckboy:

    11. And when you ultimately fall into their trap anyway:

    12. When you can't even get a text back:

    13. When online dating feels like a complete waste of time:

    14. When you have to double check to make sure someone's not already married:

    15. Or when you've determined you're the only one without a ~ring on it~:

    16. When your crush asks for your Snapchat instead of your number:

    17. When you wonder where all the good single folks are:

    18. When you try to give your crush a taste of their own medicine:

    19. When you have to worry about these online dating scenarios:

    20. When you realize you've had longer relationships with a meal than any actual person:

    21. And finally, when someone wants all of the benefits of a relationship but none of the responsibility: