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What Did Your Therapist Tell You That Completely Changed Your Mindset — And Your Life?

Let's talk!

Let's be honest: Saying how you really feel can be super hard. And sometimes, we all just need a really good talking sesh where we can just unpack things and get a bit of advice or guidance.

Two men speaking to a therapist in Couples Therapy

So, if you've ever been to therapy, what's something you learned that totally changed your mindset?

Maybe you found focusing more on the positive in any given situation vs. all the things that went wrong improved your happiness?

Jamie Foxx sitting at a desk

Perhaps you decided to part ways with a toxic friend, family member, or spouse because they weren't adding any good value to your life?

Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver in bed laying by a kid in Marriage Story

Or, maybe you found a better way to work out your frustrations by exercising or writing in a journal?

A person walking with tennis shoes and leggings

Whatever it might be, I want to hear from you! Share the best thing you've learned in therapy in the comments or submit anonymously using this form. Your response might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!