

I'm a pretty down to Earth guy but have a habit of delving into the paranormal as a hobby. So I guess I'm level headed and open minded. My friends would say that I'm always the chilled out guy who needs a little nudge to get to doing things but will jump in head first when he has to. I'm a heavy set guy but am working to lose it, hell, I'm even outlasting some of my so-called "in-shape" friends these days. haha By day I'm an EMT and by night.... I'm still an EMT. The job is amazing, imagine going to work every day knowing that you're going to change someone's life... or get puked on. Either way good times. I'm pretty varied in my music choices these days. Really anything where all the instruments come together cleanly I'll be into. So no "we're supposed to sound bad" bands, please. Though lately I'm been more into Trip-Hop from the locals and other underground artists. A couple proud accomplishments I've done so far in life is becoming an EMT (no one saw that coming) and that I survived both mentally and physically to this point after dealing with some personal tragedies. I've had some rough times in my recent past and where most would give up and I even thought about it a few times, I stood strong and handled things better than I thought I would. I'm pretty open about those events, so just ask if you want to know.

Jul 2010
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