At Long Last, The Final Trailer For "X-Men: Apocalypse" Is Here

    Needs more Storm.

    Everyone can rejoice because the last trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse made its way online today.

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    It opens with Professor X speaking to Mystique about the state of the world.

    But there's obviously some trouble brewing.

    Which is because Apocalypse, aka En Sabah Nur aka our new badass villain, is on a quest to destroy the world.

    And he's gathering a squad and turning frenemies against one another.

    It also looks like Mystique is going to step up her leadership in the upcoming film.

    Even though she doesn't think she's up to the task.

    It's also evident that she's going to help train a lot of our favorite heroes — like Jean, Cyclops, and Nightcrawler — to wield their powers, presumably to defeat Acapocalyse.

    Oh, and we got a better glimpse of Jubilee too!

    There are some pretty incredible-looking fight scenes, as well.

    Yaaass, Storm! Yaaass, Cyclops!

    Looks like it's gonna be great.

    It also seems like a really popular age-defying hero will be returning too. Hi, Wolverine.

    You can catch Charles Xavier, Magneto, and, yes, Apocalypse himself when the film hits theaters on May 27.