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This Is, Hands Down, The Most Awful Kiss You'll Ever Witness In Your Damn Life

Yep, this is what dating has come to and it sucks.

A new dating show premiered on TLC this week called Love at First Kiss, and it's incredibly awkward.

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The show plays out exactly as the title says: Two people — literal strangers — meet for the first time and then go straight for some good ol' spit-swapping action.

And sure, it's incredibly entertaining to watch, but it's also extremely weird too.

It should be noted that this guy, Josh, is apparently a virgin when it comes to kissing, so it's easy to understand why he was so nervous.

Naturally, the initial meeting was kinda tense. I mean, let's not forget that these people have never met.

Needless to say, the kiss was bad. Really bad.

If you can even call it a kiss, because there was virtually no mouth-to-mouth interaction.

Same, girl. Same.

Pro tip: Never date.