The 13 Stages Of Joining A New Fandom

    You've been sucked in, and there's no turning back now.

    1. One day you're sitting at home and you're really bored.

    2. You're probably surfing the 'net, browsing your Tumblr when you discover something really interesting.

    3. You roll your eyes because the fandoms your fellow social media users are raving about can't be that great.

    4. However, curiosity gets the best of you, and you decide to see what the "hype" is about.

    5. It all begins with the first couple of pages of that surprisingly great book.

    6. Or the first few episodes of that awesome show that you've been neglecting.

    7. You realize you've fallen into a dark yet happy place of the internet.

    8. After a while, you're pretty much a prisoner of the fandom.

    9. For a moment you regret that you actually didn't join the fandom when it first began.

    10. You start to get your friends to join the fandom, too.

    11. You begin to spend an insane amount of time talking about the future of the fandom with other aficionados.

    12. You start to wonder if other people who aren't in the fandom think you're crazy.

    13. And finally, you also begin buying fandom paraphernalia on

    Fandoms Unite!