18 Photos Of "That One Friend" That'll Make You Laugh

    You've been friends with at least one of these people.

    1. There's that friend who is maybe trying to steal your boo.

    2. And that friend who does this without fail.

    3. That friend who always wants a bite of what's yours.

    4. And everyone has this friend.

    5. That friend who may not actually be your friend.

    6. That friend who sometimes needs a boost of confidence.

    7. And there's that friend who is terrible with secrets.

    8. The friend who does the absolute most for social media notoriety.

    9. That friend who suddenly decides to show another side of themselves.

    10. The friend who always knows how to cheer you up, even when you're upset.

    11. The one friend who takes it upon themselves to make decisions for the both of you.

    12. You know this friend.

    13. That goes for this friend too.

    14. That one friend who kinda acts like they don't want to hang out with you at all.

    15. That one friend who is a little bit fake.

    16. There's that ace who won't get the hint that you just don't feel like talking at the moment.

    17. There's the friend who just blatantly lies.

    18. And finally, that friend who is all up in your business, but you love them anyway.