Mariah Carey's Startled Face Is The Funniest Thing On The Internet Right Now

    Dahling, I was startled.

    This is Mariah Carey. Queen of Music. Musical Legend, etc.

    Anyway, a photo of Mariah recently surfaced on the 'net and she looks absolutely terrified for some reason, so we decided to caption it because this face applies to so many different situations.

    Here are 21 of the most hilarious captions:

    1. When you get the email from your bank that reads "It appears your balance has fallen below $25.00":

    2. When someone asks you who Jennifer Lopez is:

    3. When he says he's a solid 7 inches but he's not even 5 inches on a warm day:

    4. When someone sends you a Snapchat that's 1,118 seconds long:

    5. When you hear someone trying to cover "Dreamlover" and they sound terrible:

    6. When someone says "All Lives Matter" as a rebuttal to "Black Lives Matter":

    7. When you've just finished doing number two and someone runs in the bathroom right after you:

    8. When you decide to get Taco Bell at 1 a.m. and your stomach starts turning on you:

    9. When someone invites themselves over to your house without calling or texting first:

    10. When your crush says, "I wish somebody out there thought I was attractive":

    11. When you see someone letting their dog kiss them in the mouth:

    12. When someone asks you if you bought The Pinkprint:

    13. When you've accomplished so much and the first thing someone asks you on the red carpet is, "Who are you wearing?":

    14. When you tried to read Katy Perry's unintelligible tweet:

    15. When you just finish hooking up with bae and he says, "So what you finna do?":

    16. When someone says they prefer ranch over blue cheese on hot wings:

    17. When someone consistently faves your tweets but they don't follow you:

    18. When McDonald's says their ice cream machine is broken:

    19. When you're the third wheel and your friends leave you alone on the couch so they can make out:

    20. When you check your account and the direct deposit is late:

    21. And finally, when someone asks you about M&M's but you don't eat them:
