These Boys Who Protested President Trump At His Rally Have Become A Huge Meme


    On Saturday, Donald Trump held a rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to mark his 100th day in office as president of the United States.

    Thousands of Trump supporters turned out.

    Though the overwhelming majority of people at the rally were there to see the president, I snapped a photo of five young boys from the Harrisburg area who were riding their bikes around the complex where it took place. They were there to protest Trump.

    .@BuzzFeedNews These boys said they came down to the rally to protest Trump. They were also adamant about me hashta…

    I saw the boys riding their bikes around the area where the event was taking place, showing off a cardboard sign with the words "Fuck Trump" written on it.

    The tweet resonated with people online, and now it's a meme.

    "This is the Sandlot movie we needed," one person wrote.

    Presenting Netflix's follow up to Stranger Things: #717BikeLife

    Some people added their own captions to select images of the kids.

    And the tweets just kept rolling in.

    Others asked, "How do I join #717BikeLife?"

    One thing's for sure: These boys, who came down to the rally to exercise their First Amendment right to protest, are now gaining a small following online.

    "I support the movement," another user tweeted.

    And people love that they've taken matters into their own hands.

    These kids really bout that action #717BikeLife

    May you continue to be bold, #717BikeLife kids.