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    Dieting As Told By Dogs

    10 times dogs illustrated the struggles of dieting

    But this human is so comfortable.

    Watching my human eat my favorite foods in front of me.

    Sprinkles next door just asked how my diet's going.

    It's been a day since I started maybe I can see results now.

    It's been two weeks and I think my facial structure is changing!

    Three weeks later...

    I've decided to find a new diet plan because this one doesn't seem to be working as fast as I hoped.

    I've tried telling my pals about my diet to keep myself pumped up but they didn't seem interested.

    So it's been 2 months and I can fit into all the clothes my friends can't and they are all jealous of my new hipster look.

    So now they want to try the diet and I know exactly where to start!