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    To celebrate MGM's 90th Anniversary, we give you the 10 Signs You're An MGM Fanatic. For more on the MGM90th Anniversary check out our Tumblr:

    1. When leaving a room, it’s truly impossible for you to say, “I’ll Be Back” without doing an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression.

    2. Your dream is to have someone love you as much as Harry loves Sally, and profess that love on New Year's Eve.

    3. You have chosen a side, either the Sharks or the Jets, and the thought of changing loyalties has never been an option.

    4. You know that “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands. They just don’t.”

    5. The only way to describe your relationship with your best friend is that she is the Thelma to your Louise.

    6. Steve McQueen isn’t just an actor to you, he’s a fashion icon.

    7. The only real reason you will ever run up a flight of stairs is to impersonate Rocky, but even then it’s unlikely.

    8. You're nothing short of impressed by the stunt pulled in Weekend at Bernies and have genuinely wondered if you would be able to do it.

    9. You know there is never a bad time for a Marge Gunderson impersonation, especially when visiting the midwest.

    10. You’ve seen all the films in this trailer. Twice.

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