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    Easter Sunday Summarized In 17 Memes And GIFs

    If you’re remotely familiar with church life, then you know Easter Sunday is basically the Superbowl of Sunday mornings. Ushers in formation, overflow chairs ready, choir robes pressed and nurses on high alert in the event radical praise breaks, it’s a lot. And if you’re a church kid like myself, you’re here for every crowded pew, bedazzled hat and drawn out Easter play. So, in celebration of Resurrection Sunday and in honor of every Church Mother who will rock a sequined lap cloth this Sunday, here's a list of my favorite Easter Sunday memes and GIFs.

    1. When you’re trying to find the perfect church outfit

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    2. When the church ushers dare you to not sit where they tell you.

    3. When you leave your seat for ONE second and someone tries to take your spot.

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    4. When the choir starts to sing “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power.”

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    5. That one kid who refused to even attempt to memorize their lines for the Easter play.

    6. The pastor enters the sanctuary like…

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    7. Now slay.

    8. When the choir gets brand new and busts out choreography on Easter Sunday.

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    9. Real tears are shed.

    10. When your First Lady did not come to play you hoes.

    11. When you’re pleasantly surprised that the person who never led a song has a solo on Easter Sunday and they’re actually not bad.

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    12. It's the little things.

    13. When the church parking lot is on fleek.

    14. Stranger danger is real.

    15. When the pastor is all about collecting them coins.

    16. When you spend all morning on your makeup, only to leave church service like this.

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    17. And when the pastor sets the atmosphere off with one classic line…