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    The 9 Stages Of Getting An Undercut

    Grab the clippers, let's do this.

    Stage 1: Deciding you want an undercut.

    Stage 2: Scheduling the appointment.

    Stage 3: Going to the appointment with a friend whose job is to prevent you from chickening out.

    Stage 4: Explaining your cut to your stylist and asking for their opinion on it.

    Stage 5: Feeling nervous and regretful as they start to shave your hair off in large swathes.

    Stage 6: Pre-judging the outcome by the patches of hair that have yet to be styled into a cut.

    Stage 7: Relaxing a little as the stylist reaches a point in the cut that is at least tolerable, if not promising.

    Stage 8: Realizing this was a fantastic decision as your stylist reveals your new cut.

    Stage 9: Dazzling everyone with your gorgeous and edgy new look.