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    The Best #BrockTurner Tweets

    After only serving 3 months in jail, people take to Twitter to show how enraged they are, talk about rape culture, and mention everything that takes longer than Brock Turner's embarrassingly short sentence.

    I'd punch #BrockTurner in the mouth if I ever saw him. problem is, I'd get more jail time for assaulting him than he got for raping a woman.

    Kaity / Via Twitter

    There are people who have been in a Starbucks bathroom line longer than Brock Turner was in jail.

    shannonwoodward / Via Twitter

    I hope everyone has a great day today except for Brock Turner

    migerumata / Via Twitter

    let's drop #BrockTurner in the middle of the ocean and then see what a "great swimmer" he is.

    ColinDiegen / Via Twitter

    So basically #BrockTurner was grounded for summer for raping a girl. That'll show him! Surprised he wasn't sent to his room without dinner

    ToastIsFunny / Via Twitter

    Stanford - "We are banning alcohol on campus to keep this from happening again" Survivors - "You spelled rapist wrong" #BrockTurner

    chrisrsanders / Via Twitter

    Our facebook community had some edits on @TIME's article #BrockTurner

    People4Bernie / Via Twitter

    Damn. If only Brock Turner was carrying an ounce of weed at the time of his arrest.

    jerdlee / Via Twitter

    Brock Turner will have served 3 months in prison when he's released Friday. I was grounded for longer than that when I got a D in Science.

    OhNoSheTwitnt / Via Twitter

    I have water bottles in my room that were here longer than Brock turner was in jail

    vulgarswami / Via Twitter

    I guess Brock Turner got released for good behavior because he managed not to rape anyone during his three months in jail.

    kurteichenwald / Via Twitter

    I've binged watched Netflix for longer than Brock Turner was in jail

    SORRYNOTSOORRY / Via Twitter

    Harry Potter spent more time living in a cupboard under the stairs just for being different than #BrockTurner spent in jail for rape.

    holdmetighter_ / Via Twitter