
Melissa C.

Hi, I'm Melissa 'Prana' Clancy, a crazy redhead. I eat pickles wrapped in cheese. I swallow my tongue to amuse and frighten children. I sing when I'm shopping and I say weeeeee when I'm in an elevator. I'm married to my best friend. I kinda scare him sometimes because well, I'm crazy. We make up silly songs about dirty things and sing them to each other when we're stressed out. We don't have any kids but we do have a closet full of kids toys and sometimes we even play with them. I have several cats that are more like children. Sometimes I dress them in doll baby clothes. They like it, they really do. They sleep in my bed and drink my bath water. It's gross but what do you expect, they're cats. I think sex is good and love is better. I'm almost invisible the first five minutes you meet me but after that watch out. I have opinions and I share them, sometimes at inappropriate times which can be very amusing...for me. I like pictures of nude women. Not because I find them sexually attractive, but because women are beautiful. My husband thinks I'm the coolest wife ever. I think people should get mad everyday and then laugh about it. I think people should think. Sometimes they should think about themselves. Mostly they should think about others. I don't believe in judging others. I do believe that if you insist on judging them you should at least give them a tiara and maybe a sash. I believe everyone feels better in a tiara. I think fairies hide my things. I think aliens exist, and reality TV does not, and that family is a matter of perception. I send my mom coins with angels on them so she can give them to strangers. I think everyone needs an angel, especially people I don't know. I believe that you're worth my time and I'm worth your respect and that if everyone believed this we would all be much happier. I believe that everything you have read here has been very confusing and that's ok. That's just who I am.

Sep 2009
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