

My name is Melissa . Or Missy. I have short red hair (naturally blonde) and blue eyes. I live my life just off the Key of Reason. I am labeled weird, and those who label me labeled me correctly. I'm trying to start a band, anyone wanna join? I'm good, I swear. I have agoraphobia, which means I hate large crowds. I do NOT do mosh pits. I dont have a life but I like to pretend like I do. I'm a Christian, but have many 'unchristian-like' views and beliefs. I will not conform. I'm pansexual. Google it. I dont cuss. At all. No matter what. I'm OBSESSED with Pandas. My top favorite bands are Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, The Used, From First to Last, Sonny, My Saving Grace, Giants, Flyleaf, UnderØath, Anberlin, Hollywood Undead, and more. I goof off alot and get weird stares. I love them. I would totally maul William Beckett and rape his sexy tail if given the chance. I hate fakes and posers. I despise The Offspring, The Killers, and Craig Mabbitt. He's a walking contradiction. Hannah Montana is the Anti-Christ, along with my ex-teacher Mrs. Ross. I tend to fall for boys who are gay or girls who are not. I give my heart away too easy and end up picking up all the pieces in the end. I cant stand bad spelling and wide ruled paper. I'm addicted to gummies. Dont tell me I cant do something, it just makes me wanna do it more. I am a very open-minded person, I see both sides of nearly every issue. I am neither Democrat or Republican, I'm more of a mixture of both. You are born with your sexuality, although you may not figure it out til later in life. I change my mind and second guess myself alot. I also have conversations with imaginary people in my head nearly 24/7. It keeps me sane. I will try almost anything once, twice if it was fun. Laugh at me now, I'll prove you wrong soon. I love the outdoors, and I grew up camping almost every weekend of my life. I also love swimming in rivers and lakes. I miss it now. Pregnant bellies are beautiful. I do not believe in abortion. The ONLY exception is when it means certain death for the mother if it doesnt happen. Rape isnt your fault, but neither is it the baby's. I have alot of friends and some family who are adopted. If you dont want the baby, there are plenty of people who would kill to have children of their own. Think of them. I'm an information whore. I know more about some people than they probably even know about themselves. I'm not a stalker, I just have stalker tendencies and I pay attention. I take dumb classes in school to make me feel smart, although it can be extremely annoying. People always end up cheating off me. My favorite dogs are Golden Retrievers and Welsh Corgis. I've had many traumatizing experiences considering I am young. A person is no longer famous to me after I meet them, just a friend. I dont believe in antidepressants or any such thing. I refuse to take a drug that alters the way I think and behave. I'm straight edge. I'm complicated.

Jun 2010
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