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    15 Reasons Will Coyoy Is Awesome

    Here is why I love my boyfriend.

    15. He likes to eat my leftovers

    14. He likes to take naps

    13. He’s a gamer

    12. He can play the guitar and the ukulele

    11. He sings to me

    10. When he’s flustered he giggles

    9. He likes to cuddle

    8. He has no problem staying in and watching a movie

    7. He can cook

    6. He makes me laugh

    5. He has an extensive knowledge of… well everything

    4. He’s my best friend

    3. He makes my heart beat fast and slow at the same time

    2. He tells me I’m beautiful every chance he gets

    1. AND the #1 reason I think he’s awesome is because he’s the greatest boyfriend in the world. NUFF SAID Happy Valentine’s Day Pumkin pie!