16 Inventions That Will Change Your Life.

    You know you want it.

    Shelf pack.

    Swiss army knife. As in, all-of-the-swiss-army-knives-in-one.

    Utensil pen caps.

    Roast cutting tongs.

    Herb scissors.

    Fork candles.

    Pickle slicer.


    Get your hands on this versatile kitchen gadget for just over $40 - it might be designed for pickles, but you can use it on all kinds of fruit and veggies to make awes garnishes.

    Finger twister.

    'Mouldy' sandwich bags.

    Quack - the dog muzzle with a difference.

    Dog leash/ umbrella combo.

    Pizza scissors spatula.

    Squirt gun umbrella.

    Dumbbell alarm clock.

    7 Hook gliding pot holder.

    Training potty... for your cat.

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    Sick of your cat peeing outside? Train him how to piddle on the big boy toilet in a matter of weeks.