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    Trying To Break Your Type-A Personality In College

    Who knew going out and getting good grades would be this hard?!

    So, you've decide to go out.

    Your goal for college is to have more fun... but you always have an internal conflict mid-shot.

    Most of your pregames start right as you're finishing an assignment.

    You keep checking your email every 10 minutes, even though your professors went to bed hours ago.

    You have fun no matter what...

    ... but you have plans about how the night will end.

    You sometimes lose sight of original plans...

    ...when something more interesting comes along.

    Your competitive nature pushes you stay out all night with your friends.

    But, after the night is through, all you want is your bed.

    And, in the morning, all you want is your old standard.

    Because class time is when you thrive...

    ... even if the other type-As can tell you're a little hungover.