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8 Facts About Reindeer That Will Blow Your Mind

Cute babies, magical pee, and badass cold tolerance? This year, bring up reindeer facts during family Christmas dinner. You'll be glad you did.

1. Okay, let's start with the basics: Reindeer are super cute.

I mean, really. A baby reindeer is enough to make you melt.

2. Oh, and also? Their eyes change color with the FREAKIN' SEASONS.

3. Reindeer are so tough that even in the summer they prefer to keep it cool.

4. One of the (many) reasons they're so tough? Reindeer fur is specially designed to be as warm as physically possible.

Then, with splayed hooves, they can run through the snow like the majestic beasts they are.

5. Another useful fact? It's physically impossible for a reindeer to pee and walk at the same time, making them stop fairly often. This wouldn't be very exciting info except for the fact that...

...reindeer stop so regularly to pee that the Sami people (who inhabit the reindeer-full area of the world) have a term of measurement for the six-mile interval reindeer travel between pees. It is "poronkusema."

6. And, speaking of reindeer pee, a legend surrounding it is supposedly the source of the flying-reindeer story.

Rumor has it, the Sami shamans would feed hallucinogenic mushrooms to reindeer, and then they would drink their urine.

Another version of the story involves feeding the reindeer mushrooms then eating their meat in order to consume the hallucinogenic substance.

7. Regardless of mushroom involvement, one part of the Santa story is true: there needs to be a leader of the pack.

8. Reindeer are known for moving very quickly over great distances.

And so we thank the reindeer for all that they do. From consistent peeing to adorable babies, these magical creatures give us holiday joy and endless amounts of cute.

Facts from here