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    21 Times A Picture (of Kristina) Was Worth 1000 Words

    When your number 1 turns 21 (*Disclaimer my captions will not be 1000 words*)

    1. When you get stuck in an elevator

    2. When your always trying to think of new, inventive ways to get into a picture

    3. When you know you look the best in a group photo

    4. When you will to anything to block the haters

    5. When you're just drunk

    6. When someone is giving you attitude

    7. When you find a cat in a hopeless place

    8. When you're too short for pics

    9. When people are taking snapchat selfies and they get you in the background

    10. When you actually want to go out and not lay in bed

    11. When you get your sunglasses stuck in your hair

    12. When you take the wrong subway and end up in Brooklyn

    13. When someone pisses you off but you're stuck in a car with them

    14. When you look amaze and no one is noticing

    15. When you have test today and you haven't studied at all

    16. When you wake up from a nap a have no idea where you are or what year it is

    17. When you pay your respects to the ones you love

    18. When you hit the pose just enough

    19. When people think it's fun to sit on grass but your ass fell asleep 5 minutes ago

    20. when you get the baes in one pic

    21. when you're just down right on fleeeeek

    22. And one for good luck