

Autodidact - look it up My days are filled with multiple changes of various spandex outfits. I have the attention span of a goldfish. "True, I talk of dreams, Which are the children of an idle brain, Begot of nothing but vain fantasy." I steal cars... I want to see your tattoos... I hate that moment when you have been talking, and suddenly you get this feeling of dread for no apparent reason, you look at the person you are talking to and you realize that they have completely zoned out, then you are entirely embarrassed for babbling so damn much... I am a small woodland creature... I am a hypocrite and sometimes I like to go fishing with my dad and brother... I live in the Museum of Natural History... Please give me gum, I blow bubbles... I have recently discovered that I can wiggle one ear, apparently I am not talented enough to wiggle both... I can, however, raise both eyebrows one at a time... I like it when you make me smile... I love surprises... Well I don't normally lick books but... I have a vivid imagination and it plays out like a nickelodeon movie in my head, you will never see this movie, but you will know when I'm watching it... unless... what would happen if we stuck a projector in my mouth? Oh there goes my movie again...

Dec 2010
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