29 Signs You're A Warhammer Player

    Your wallet may be empty, but your battlefield is full.

    1. You dither for days before choosing your faction

    2. And are immediately disappointed with your choice

    3. Especially when you are getting stomped by a army of these

    4. You are creative enough to make sure that you have a board ready to go at a moment's notice

    5. Or you have enough chutzpah to convince your significant other you need one of these

    6. You call this place your second home

    7. And are immediately annoyed when people come into the shop to play Catan

    8. You consider Chaos players the lowest form of life

    9. Because not only are they hideously overpowered but they have figurines like this lying around the house

    10. You avidly discuss your greatest victories at tournaments

    11. But are quick to discount your losses (or the game) as "cheap"

    12. You are jealous when someone breaks out the hottest new unit

    13. So you up the ante by purchasing your own prohibitively expensive piece

    14. You refer to people who don't paint as "dabblers"

    15. And won't let them into tournament play

    16. You, however, obsess about the color scheme of your army

    17. You spend days relearning ancient skills such as paper mache

    18. So someday your terrain can look like this

    19. Even though the end result will most like resemble something like this

    20. You have an impressive knowledge of geometry

    21. Since that comes in handy when casting spells

    22. When the chips are down you have no problem being spiteful...

    Via giphy.com

    23. Magnanimous

    Via giphy.com

    24. Or just plain jubilant that you snatched victory from the jaws of defeat

    Via giphy.com

    25. Because there will always be another game...

    26. Another figure to purchase....

    27. Another Chaos player to defeat...

    28. Because otherwise you might find yourself playing Warmachine

    29. Or simply give up and starts playing Blood Bowl