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    1000 Ways To Die Playing Pokémon GO

    More like 21 ways to possibly get seriously injured.

    1. Wrong place at the wrong time.

    2. Tree Hugger

    3. Give me all your Magikarp!!!

    4. Why did the player cross the street?

    5. Hunters become the hunted

    6. Running of the Tauros

    7. Pidgey didn't see it coming.

    8. You can't Doduo two things at once

    9. Read between the tracks

    10. Ratata down the stairs

    11. Getting hammered

    12. Watch your step

    13. Fearow forgot to learn fly

    14. High fiving a Sycther

    15. 🎶 My egg flew around my room before you came 🎶

    16. Swimming with the Seakings

    17. That's not what the red and blue lights meant

    18. Caught a Bellsprout

    19. Caught too many Charmanders

    20. Left hanging

    21. I'm wheezing