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People Discuss Their 'Final Straw' Moments That Ended A Relationship, And Some Of These People Don't Deserve Friends

"I broke up with him in between the wedding ceremony and the reception."

Note: This post includes mention of rape and sexual assault.

Ending a relationship with someone can be tough, whether it's a friend, partner, or even a member of your own family. But sometimes, that person is so terrible, that it actually makes that difficult decision pretty darn easy.

We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community, "When was the moment that someone made you realize you didn't want them in your life anymore?"

Here's a few stories from people who are seriously, so much better off:

1. "When I broke up with the man that I had been living with for three years for being a cheater. He wrote me a letter to try to win me back. I opened it excitedly, only to find that he spelled my first name wrong."

—Anonymous, New York

2. "My ex-boyfriend had been on and off for a while and the final straw was when we were pulling into my gated apartment complex. An elderly woman was in her car ahead of us, attempting to punch numbers into the gate code box. She was obviously having a hard time and the gate wasn't opening, but my ex started cussing and honking and was so annoyed with her. I knew at that moment that we were over!"

—Anonymous, 40, Texas

3. "I had a friend that people had warned me about getting close to because she was very dramatic and always played the victim. I don't like judging people based on others' opinions so we got friendly during COVID lockdowns and, for the most part, had a great time together. Towards the end of the year, her behavior became a little erratic. She had gotten really jealous, clingy, and overly dramatic. She had gotten angry with me in public a few times and once had even yelled at me and another friend at the bar. It was really embarrassing. The final straw for me was when she publicly told people that she had COVID, isolated for a few days (maybe three tops), and I ran into her at a BAR."

A stock image of a bar booth with bottles and glasses lining the shelves

4. "My brother’s wife lost a second sibling and started telling people that she had to quit hoping that one of my brother’s siblings would die so that he knew what she felt like. Who says things like that? When I called her out, she immediately became the victim. I don’t miss her or my brother, he is miserable in that marriage but he loves drama."

—Anonymous, 48, Illinois

5. "My mom, who had been the matriarch of my family, had been taken advantage of by a close family member. In 2014, my mom began showing signs of dementia and her health steadily declined. As she deteriorated, this family member secretly persuaded her to sign over power of attorney. The family member then proceeded to open credit cards and loans in my mom's name and get work done on their house, while my mom's own roof was falling down around her. By the time my husband and I found out the extent of it, the family member had wiped her out."

"This person gutted my mom, and legally there was nothing that we could do about it because of the POA. I made a vow right then that when my mom passed, I would not have anything to do with members of my greedy family again, and I have stuck to that. My mom passed in 2017, and I have not talked to any of my family who are responsible for ruining and taking advantage of her, nor will I ever."

—Anonymous, 50, Pennsylvania

6. "My best friend from high school moved away after graduation but we maintained our friendship. One summer, I paid for concert tickets, her roundtrip plane ride, food, gas, and more for a trip we had planned. This was all for her to 'mistakenly' text me (after I dropped her at the airport) about how I drove her crazy the whole week she visited. I cried during the whole drive home but never spoke to her again."

A stock image of two hands typing into a lit up cell phone

7. "When my husband told me that my mixed-race granddaughter would never amount to anything because she was half black. I left him the day after he said it, a full month before she was even born."

—Anonymous, 50, California 

8. "I had a guy friend who basically friend-zoned me for a couple of years. I told him how I felt about him, and while he didn't feel the same, we had the occasional hook-up. When I finally found the courage to move on, I met someone that swept me off my feet, and my guy friend was not happy for me. He became obsessed with destroying my new guy’s character and proceeded to stalk his social media and tell lies about him because they lived in the same city. The final straw was when he made up a huge lie that my guy was cheating on me and that he knew the girls personally. When it came time to 'produce those receipts' he backtracked on everything that he said."

"My (ex) friend would also constantly start arguments with me and tell me that this guy was using me and that I was 'dumb' and 'delusional' for believing that this person could ever love me. I realized the friendship was extremely toxic and walked away immediately."

—Anonymous, 37, Delaware

9. "My sister had made visiting or calling my elderly mom a competition. I live with my mom and help her with pretty much everything because she needs it. I get no pay, she's my mother, and that's the right thing to do. I'd gotten my mother a cell phone, which she lost, unbeknownst to me. When my sister couldn't get ahold of her, instead of calling me to see if mom was okay, she went directly to our state adult protective services and lied, telling them that I was abusing my mom by not letting her have contact with anyone."

A stock image of a fist raising up to knock on a door

10. "I had helped this person through a couple of surgeries, cancer treatment, and his mother having a stroke and then her passing. I always listened to his stories (again and again) and supported him. I had received a life-changing medical diagnosis, and it was quite a shock. My life was completely in chaos and I called him and told him about it. Cue to a few weeks later, I called him to say hello. He asked how I was, I answered, 'I'm okay, but still upset about the diagnosis.' He said, 'What diagnosis?'"

"I couldn't believe that he did not remember, and figured that if he could not remember that, then he did not need to be in my life!"

—Anonymous, 53, California

11. "I flew out to Ohio from Texas to help my friend move across state lines. She never offered to pay for my ticket or anything else, and when I got there, she had a house full of stuff that she had not even started to pack. It was A LOT of work that I had essentially paid to fly out there to help her with. She spent the entire move yelling at me and making fun of me when I got her instructions wrong. She then mocked me for not staying up later to help one night when I fell asleep at 1 a.m."

"I excused that because I assumed that she was stressed. We drove for several hours to get to Wisconsin where she proceeded to get drunk and curse me out for sharing stories about my own life with a friend who was also helping her. She then turned to him and said 'Thank you for helping us. We could not have done it without you.' I don’t know how he was helping us move. She just became more and more drunk and obnoxious, and when I came back to Texas, I ended the friendship."

—Anonymous, 38, Texas

12. "I had a follow-up mammogram appointment due to the radiologist seeing a suspicious-looking mass in one of my breasts. After the second mammogram and ultrasound confirmed that there was indeed something there to worry about, I came home in tears. The entire day went by before I realized that my partner of nearly 14 years was not going to ask me if anything was found, so I decided to share the information myself. His reaction? He said, 'Oh, that sucks,' and then proceeded to take the dog for a walk and then went to bed. No follow-up questions or anything! Yeah, he was an ass!"

A stock image of a doctor tapping a tablet as they sit across from a patient at a table

13. "When I came over for New Year's Eve and he admitted that he had just met up with his ex a few days prior because she requested that they meet and talk. Clearly, if you're completely over someone, you wouldn't even entertain the idea and I said as much. I had a drink while he explained that nothing happened, and how he thought it was so ridiculous that she still wanted to be friends. As I sat quietly while he tried to read my thoughts, he said that he also needed to get it off his chest that he went on a couple of dates recently and also had a one-night stand about a month ago. I left without a word. He texted a couple of hours before midnight and I've never responded."

—Anonymous, 35, CA

14. "My family was always a little toxic and not very caring towards me, but it got really bad after I was diagnosed with Celiac disease. My mother started using it to cut me off from the family. She would say things like, 'You can't come on a cruise with us because there won't be anything for you to eat,' or, 'Your sister's birthday is tomorrow but don't bother coming because there won't be anything for you to eat.' The last straw: During my oldest sister's visit, the one time I was 'allowed' to share a meal with them, I asked them to wait for me to get to the house so that I could join them on their geo-caching. I arrived, and no one was there. My mother had told them not to wait."

A stock image of a woman entering an apartment through an open door

15. "I was always told by my mother that my best friend, who I'd known since we were 13, wasn’t really my best friend. Over the years, I enjoyed the times that we spent together so much that I didn’t put much weight on how rude and mean she often was. When we became much older (in our late 20’s), I introduced her to my boyfriend. At the restaurant, she began heavily flirting with him by taking food from his plate, eating from his fork, and trying to command his attention. When I brought it up to her, she tried to fight me. I realized that day I didn’t want someone like that in my life."

A stock image of a set table with two wine glasses overlooking a restaurant

16. "My college roommate, who I had grown up with, took a 'memorial' quilt made of my deceased brother's shirts and had sex on it with her boyfriend while I was out. She then shoved the quilt into the dirt and garbage under her bed. Then, after I accidentally walked in on them while they were still going at it in our room and stepped back out so that they could get dressed, she (without cleaning her boyfriend's cum off herself) cut the tags off some of my brand new clothes, put them on, and then left."

"I not only found my special quilt all nasty and dirty when I came back in, but I also accidentally stepped barefoot on their sheets which had cum all over them. When I told her later that this was the last straw and that she needed to move out, she tried to convince me that the cum was just sweat and it was no big deal, I needed to calm down, etc. She then promptly told a mutual friend, 'Yeah she totally stepped in our cum, but I told her that it was just sweat. She believes whatever I tell her, so it's no big deal.'"

—Anonymous, 38, Alabama

17. "After my father lived with me for 12 years, he developed congestive heart failure, kidney disease, and dementia. Six months prior to my father's death, my younger brother went behind my back and had him sign a new will leaving his entire estate to him and my brother's daughter, something that I KNOW I could never have done to him. He is an evil snake."

—Anonymous, 62, Georgia

18. "My best friend of 20+ years and maid of honor at my wedding didn’t even acknowledge the birth of my son (and still hasn’t). I went through years of infertility treatments and after trying for six years, we finally got pregnant. That’s about when things started to go downhill, but the fact that she has never said one word to me since his birth is when I was done with that relationship entirely."

—Anonymous, 36, Texas

19. "During the course of getting a divorce, my (now) ex-husband got arrested for raping a drunk girl that he met at a club. In an attempt to guilt-trip me into calling off the divorce, he told me that it was my fault that he did it. He said that I made him do it because he wasn’t in the right state of mind because I had left him. That was the final nail in the coffin for me. I’m not staying in contact with someone who doesn’t take any responsibility for their actions and uses manipulation to control their relationships."

—Anonymous, 36, Texas

20. "I didn’t like where I lived and the people that I lived around anymore. I was thinking about moving, and my friend said that he would give me a job at his small company if I moved there and even offered me a great salary, so I agreed. From day one, there were problems. The hours were endless, and his man in charge didn’t know how to schedule jobs so we were always late. Because of that, we couldn’t do the work properly so we’d have to go back and redo it, in addition to whatever else we had to do. I had grounds to quit because of the violations and because they were trying to push me out since I 'complained' too much. When I did quit, he told his shady manager, 'Don’t let him get any unemployment.'"

"Mind you, I didn’t even get the salary that I was previously promised while I was working there, and when I brought it up to him, he said that he didn’t remember offering me that, even though it was only like two weeks prior. Meanwhile, he just sat at home; he wanted to be one of those guys who just collects money and does nothing all day. 

There were plenty of shady practices at that job, but even the manager wasn't bad enough to not offer me unemployment when I quit. But, when my friend found out the manager wouldn’t lie, he lied about the circumstances so they stopped paying me while we would have to slowly fight this out by letter.  I had no money, my roommate and I were destitute and didn’t have food, and my car got towed so I had to walk to job interviews. My roommate and I eventually moved back where we were previously. I did thank the guy for helping us when we got there and left it at that. His life isn’t going super great right now, I wonder why?"

—Anonymous, 32, Virginia

21. "Last Valentine's Day, I wanted to go out but he wanted to Netflix and chill. We were watching a series that I really wanted to see when he started trying to have sex. I told him to wait as I wasn't in the mood right then. We got into a huge argument about how we can't do it whenever he feels like it and why can't he try romancing me once in a while, etc. Then, I asked if he would still love me if I couldn't have sex. He asked why that would happen. 'What if I was in a car accident or something?' He replied, 'Well, you'd still be able to use your mouth wouldn't you?' Boy bye!"

—Anonymous, 34

22. "My husband and I made pretty much equal salaries, and I was in charge of taking care of the bills, mortgage, groceries, household purchases, etc. Most of his money flew right out the door on his hobby, sports cards (as well as Pokémon cards). Buy, trade, sell, you name it, he did it. So one night, I was writing out checks for all the bills and realized that I had nothing left to buy my insulin with that week, and I was very close to being out (I've been a brittle Type One diabetic since 1981). At that point, my husband walked out of our computer room, where he spent every waking moment while home, and had to pass by me to get to the kitchen for a drink. When I told him that after taking care of all of the expenses, I had no money with which to pay for my insulin, he looked at me rather incredulously and snarked, 'So?'"

A stock image of a hand typing into a calculator as they hold up another piece of paper as someone sits in front of a table with an open laptop on it

23. "My son allowed his now-wife to make sure that his family had nowhere to sit at their first wedding ceremony. We didn't attend their second ceremony, and my son didn't stand up for me when his wife cursed me out. He also stood with her when she testified against his sister in a child custody case and lied. I've got more but it doesn't matter because we cut them off like a bad spot on a piece of cheese. About 99% of his family has been alienated from them because of both of their actions."

—Anonymous, Georgia

24. "She believed in what seemed like every conspiracy theory going, as well as the 'War on Christians.' If I tried to show her the other side, she'd look at me like I had taken the blue pill. Only she was woke. She thought that airplanes were tracking her and that chemtrails were real. We were friends from childhood, and it was sad to see some delusional illness consume the person that she once was. Once she realized that I wasn't going to buy her delusions, she began verbally attacking me. When she asked me, 'Who are you going to leave your money to when you die?' I began to worry that she might kill me."

"Sorry, friend, I don't have the training to deal with your problems. It's still sad to lose a long-term friendship but it had to be done."

—Anonymous, 47, Washington

25. "When he talked about the 'amazing set of tits' he saw on a 14-year-old girl."

—Anonymous, 49, Illinois

26. "I had an old childhood friend who I had maintained for too long because I thought it was cool that we had known each other our whole lives. She was a very critical and judgmental person. The final straw was when I was 35 years old. She initiated a very serious conversation with me about some fashion choices that I had made in the seventh grade. I couldn’t believe that, at the age of 35, she was criticizing me for trivial 'mistakes' that I had made when I was 12. I never spoke to her again."

—Anonymous, 39, Indiana

27. "When I found out my wife was stealing money out of my bank account. I had added her to the account because she had closed her own, but later I found out that she had an open account with another bank. The best that I can figure, she stole about $10K, not to mention the $30K+ in credit card debt that she left me with."

A stock image of a calculator laying over two pages of bills as a pen sits nearby

28. "I woke up to him on top of me with a pillow over my head. I had a $500,000 life insurance policy. He had been acting erratically for over a year, and I had spotted all of the signs of cheating, drugs, and binge drinking and was looking for a way out. Thank God I was able to fight back that night. I represented myself in the divorce and won everything! Boom!"

—Anonymous, 56, Florida

29. "A friend of mine started dating a guy who used to be in a relationship with an acquaintance of hers. She told me that she didn’t know the girl that well, but that technically she met him through her. Turns out, the ex-girlfriend not only knew my friend very well but had leaned heavily on my friend for support through the breakup. Between her lying to me and sleeping with a good friend’s ex-boyfriend of several years, the trust was broken. I couldn’t trust her to not lie to me or stab her friends in the back just for the attention of some man. Girl, bye."

—Anonymous, 30, California

30. "I had made friends with another guy at the gym. After several years, it came to my attention that he was lurking and staring at women. One woman even approached me to tell him to quit, and he promised that he would. A month later, a very attractive woman joined the gym. She started coming at about the same time as I did most days, and one day we started chatting, and she made a comment that she loved our gym since it is the first one she has been to where the guys just leave her alone. The next day, my friend showed up, saw her, and was instantly smitten. I told him to leave her alone and shared what she had said to me. A few days later, I walked into the gym and saw him standing right next to her doing bicep curls in a wide-open gym. He kept talking to her as she just mumbled one-word answers. The look on her face was just horrible."

A stock image of a gym floor as a set of five pound weights lay on the ground beside workout machines

31. "We found out late last year that my mother’s husband had been systematically exposing himself to my daughter while spending time with them. He told my daughter not to tell any other adults and always did it when my mother was not home. My daughter was between five and nine years old during this time. When my mother found out, she called everyone else, including my daughter, liars. I broke contact with my mother and haven’t talked to her since. We went to the police and the investigation continues, but we found out afterwards that her husband had charges of exposing himself to strangers that my mother helped expunge!"

"She has since sent a few letters and emails that basically blame me and my sister for turning our backs on her. She also says that her husband did nothing wrong, and this is all because we have fallen away from Jesus. No, Momma, this is because you have proven yourself to be a disgusting human who does not actually care about her family and puts them in danger because you can’t be alone."

—Anonymous, 36, Missouri

32. "I found birth control pills in my wife's drawer. I had a vasectomy three years before while we were married."

A stock image of a package of birth control pills

33. "My best friend lost her job, and her MARRIED boyfriend broke up with her. She was mad that I didn't show up to get drunk with her every night, so she gave me the silent treatment."

—Anonymous, 57, Texas

34. "My former best friend and I were like sisters. As we grew up, she got less interested in school and decided not to go to college, but she has also never been able to keep a job down. I was working 30 hours a week, going to school full time, and volunteering on the weekends. I tried my best to be there for her, but I also wanted to support my mom and make her proud by being the first in the family to graduate from college. At one point, it’d been like two months since we’d hung out in person, and while we still texted and spoke on FaceTime, I told her that we should go out. The entire time, she was only talking about herself and complaining about her parents. She also asked me to pay for her lunch because she didn’t have cash on her and kept making really transphobic comments that made me really uncomfortable."

A stock image of someone holding salad on their fork above a bowl of salad at a table

35. "My teenage son had been killed in an accident four weeks before my birthday. My friends wanted to take me out for dinner, and although I said no several times, they really wanted to take me out to rally around me. I finally agreed because my daughter's birthday was three days after mine and I wanted her to know that it was okay to celebrate her birthday after her brother died. My conditions were that the dinner would be low-key, not be a big celebration, and absolutely NO gifts. Later, we were ending dinner and one of my 'friends' suddenly pulled out a bag of presents."

"She proceeded to announce while I had requested no gifts, she had put a lot of thought into it and had selected gifts for everyone else in attendance. She then made a little speech as she handed out a gift to each person. Somehow, she made it all about her. I was in shock, and the next day, I cut her out of my life."

—Anonymous, 50, Texas

36. "My mother went to a birthday party for someone who had asked a Facebook friend to murder me while I was pregnant. My mother stayed friends with her and continued to visit, never even raising her voice to her. For reference, I’ve seen my mother scream at a carhop for accidentally shorting her a dime, and my mother did not speak to my aunt for two years because my aunt didn’t invite my older sister to a single birthday party. So, yeah, I don’t speak to my mother."

—Anonymous, 35, Florida

37. "When I asked if he would take care of me if I got sick, he said that he didn't love me that much."

—Anonymous, 59, Washington

38. "My mother and sister convinced my ex-husband to sue me for custody for our son (who he'd only ever seen once a month for the first 10 years of his life) because I cut them off from seeing my son. They both testified against me in court and claimed that I attempted to make my son 'be gay' simply because I allowed him to paint his toenails. This happened after I was FINALLY in a happy and healthy relationship with my now current fiancée, and I was told by both of them that I was a slut for having him meet my son when we had known each other for three years. Needless to say, I am far better off without them, and my fiancée and I will be officially tying the knot in October 2022!"

—Anonymous, 34, Texas

39. "My friend asked to borrow a suit for a professional conference. She returned it to me in a dry cleaning bag, and I noticed that it had a note from the cleaner that they could not remove a red wine stain. When I asked her about it, she blew it off and didn’t even offer to replace the suit or make any kind of amends, even though she is quite well off. She had always been a bit self-centered, but this gave me clarity that she didn’t value our friendship. I never spoke to her again."

A stock image of a tipped over glass of red wine that is staining a white button down shirt

40. "After trying to repair our relationship because he flew off in a rage and left me in New Mexico where we were vacationing, he decides to pull out a sex toy. The problem was, it was a sex toy that pre-dated our relationship and who knows how many others. He didn't know that I knew about it and tried to lie saying that he 'bought it for me'. Once he realized that he was caught in a lie he was furious, and I was packing all of my belongings to leave."

—Anonymous, 50, Texas

41. "In a fight, my husband told me that I wouldn't be a good mother. This was a year after I miscarried our twins at 18 weeks pregnant."

—Anonymous, 29, Illinois

42. "A friend and her wife signed up to be foster parents, and I thought, 'Great! What an amazing thing to do.' But when it came time for the little girl they were fostering to be reunited with her family, they tried fighting the judge to get custody of her, even though their job was done. I found their actions extremely selfish and blocked their number and all socials."

"They were supposed to provide a safe place for the child while the guardians were getting their act together or until another family became available to take care of the child. If you want to have a child, adopt. But don't take the opportunity away from this child to be raised by their family."

—Anonymous, 34, Texas

43. "I had a friend who told me that she likes when her friends are dealing with difficult situations because it made her feel like her life was more put together. She said this in a conversation when she called to gleefully tell me about a different friend who had caught her husband cheating on her."

"It was obvious that she was experiencing joy from this other person's pain, and that disgusted me. Once I cut her off, I didn't hear from her until she got wind that I was going through something, and all of a sudden, it was, 'Please call me, I want to make sure that you're okay.' Needless to say, I was skeptical and never returned her message."

—Anonymous, 31, Maryland

44. "My ex cheated on me with one of my closest friends, who also happened to be the wife of one of his best friends. Obviously, I cut them both out of my life, but I also had to cut off my best friend of over 25 years because she and her husband thought nothing of hanging out and being social with my ex and his affair partner."

"She often lied about how often they were socializing and hanging out, using the excuse that they 'have' to maintain a relationship with him because he is a close business contact of her husband, among other excuses. 

Other friends and family members of my ex made me aware of their continuing 'best friends forever' relationship, as they were so shocked that she would choose the two cheaters. 

What they don’t know is that she and her current husband are together as the result of their extramarital affair with one another, so I suppose they are all kindred spirits. Good riddance. She even contacted me on Christmas saying she hopes that one day our paths lead us to each other’s lives again. No, thanks."

—Anonymous, 46, Illinois

45. "One year, a friend called me around 9 p.m. to wish me a happy birthday. When I got off the phone, my husband asked why she called. When I told him, he said, 'Oh yeah, it's your birthday,' and absolutely nothing else."

—Anonymous, 59, Florida

46. "When it was revealed that my partner of several years had another family. He had bank accounts, faux apartments, other children, the works. When I say that I was shocked, I mean it. Never once in all of our years together did he ever show any traditional 'red' flags. He was supportive, engaging, loving passionate, and very present to me and our daughter. When I found them together in their home, I left them and put everything that he had ever touched (cups, controllers, nightstands, etc.) that I could spare outside, which took me the entire night. The next morning, I filed for divorce."

—Anonymous, 37, Texas

47. "After I had breast cancer surgery, my mother-in-law asked me, as she pointed to my chest, if my husband would be happy with 'that' — as in, 'Will I still make him happy?' and, 'Is that enough for him?' Then, she continued to question me as to why I refused to get implants."

"I have a severe allergy to plastics, and I could not even imagine putting them into my body. My husband has never asked me to consider implants knowing my allergies, and is one hundred percent happy with who I was before my surgery, and probably loves me even more now after my surgery. I love that man! 

I no longer have conversations with my mother-in-law and just smile and move on when at family events. She's a horrible woman, and I'm still trying to figure out how my husband is such a good man with a mother like her."

—Anonymous, 57, Wisconsin

48. "I found texts to a hooker on my husband's phone. He was so cheap that he was negotiating for a 30-minute cost since he didn’t have an hour before he had to get to the airport. I’m still heartbroken."

—Anonymous, 48, Connecticut 

49. "I went to the destination wedding of someone that I considered a very close friend. It was small, maybe about 50 people, and I was one of two POC at the wedding. My friend didn’t really acknowledge me while I was there, and even took photos with every other group. I figured that it was just an oversight or they were wrapped up in their 'special day.' But at the end of the night, the entire wedding got in a charter bus to go out and the entire bus told super racist jokes."

"I opted to not go out that night and flew home the next day. My friend sent me a postcard from their honeymoon and tried to stay close, but I never really felt the same about this person again and over the next few months, our friendship fizzled out. 

Looking back, I realize now that this person may have been a friend to me, but was absolutely ashamed to be my friend. Their family and entire close friend group were horribly racist and gross."

—Anonymous, 35, Pennsylvania

50. "When my cousin claimed that it was 'God's will' that we get married and run off together."

—Anonymous, 25, California

51. "My 20-year-old daughter was instantly killed in a car accident in another state, where she was attending college. One week after her death, my live-in boyfriend of 10 years said to me at breakfast, 'When you clear out T's closet, I'm putting my clothes in there.' I broke down crying and couldn't believe that he would say such an insensitive remark to me."

A stock image of several sweaters hanging in a closet

52. "My friend lost weight and started making fat jokes about everyone. He'd tell me that the only reason people had partners was because of their money. Judging people because of their size slowly became his main sense of humor, even when I asked him to stop. The final straw was spending an entire 40-minute car ride listening to him cackle about how a childhood friend only had the girlfriend he did because he made $100k+ a year and how this friend had no other redeeming qualities his girlfriend could possibly be interested in. I drove home and realized that if that's how he talks about lifelong friends, I probably didn't need him as a friend."

"He couldn't fathom someone who was overweight being in a loving relationship without some other explanation, even though I tried reasoning that maybe people had partners because they were funny or supportive (or literally any other reason that might make a person attractive).

Gradually, it occurred to me that these were probably thoughts that he had always had in his head, but when he was overweight himself, he was too ashamed to say them out loud."

—Anonymous, 28, Virginia

53. "My father is a toxic, abusive homophobe, and I'm gay. I waited until his mom (my grandma) died, and then I completely and permanently severed contact with him. I waited because it would have really hurt my grandma to see us not on speaking terms, so I kept my relationship with my father up solely for her benefit until I no longer needed to. She knew and fully accepted that I'm gay, but the very first thing that she said when I came out was that I'll sadly never be able to tell my father."

—Anonymous, 44, Texas

54. "When I found out that my husband of 15 years had done a DNA test on three of our kids after an argument we had in 2013. He had always been insecure, but that was the last straw."

—Anonymous, 42, Virginia

55. "I'm an animal lover, so when one of my friends got her first dog and suddenly decided that she was no longer a 'cat person' and proceeded to dump her three indoor-only cats outside to fend for themselves and hopefully go find a new home, I knew that our friendship was done. I have no room in my life for cruel, irresponsible people."

—Anonymous, 49, California

56. "After dating for more than three years and spending an amazing Friday night together discussing future plans, she texted me on Saturday to say that she couldn't come to my final chemotherapy appointment the following Tuesday because her therapist said that she should take some time for herself alone. Two months later, a mutual friend showed me a photo taken the same day as my chemo appointment. While I was in the chair getting pumped with poison, she was 1,600 miles away with the guy that she claimed was just a friend. The photo was posted to his mom's Facebook account."

A stock image of a pair of toy scissors cutting a thread

57. "When I realized that my husband was verbally abusing my two daughters as he had me for years. It was hard, but I got out and away from him. I graduated college at 33 and made a life for the three of us."

—Anonymous, 65, Arkansas

58. "When they were at the Capitol on January 6th."

—Anonymous, 56, Florida

59. "My boyfriend and I had been dating for three years when my best friend from high school got married. Naturally, I took him as my date. During the ceremony, I imagined myself at the altar sharing vows with my boyfriend, and the thought filled me with dread. It was the exact moment I realized that I actually did not want to spend my life with him. I broke up with him in between the ceremony and the reception."

—Anonymous, 33 Florida

Have you ever cut someone out of your life? What was the moment that made you go, "Enough is enough"? Let me know in the comments below!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.