People Are Revealing Things They Can't Afford Anymore Because Of Rising Inflation, And It's Honestly Kind Of Validating

    "Fresh food. Even though it's not the best for my body, frozen foods are a good investment for preserving fruits and vegetables."

    With inflation in the US at a 40-year high (currently at a staggering 8.6%), it seems like everybody has to cut back on something just to save a few dollars.

    Man shopping in a supermarket while on a budget, looking for low prices due to inflation

    Recently, Reddit user u/willowander asked, "What have you given up recently due to rising costs?" So here are what Americans are cutting, plus some tips and tricks if you're looking to do so yourself:

    1. "Impromptu road trips."


    "My husband’s friends invited people to the beach yesterday. We were talking about going, but when we mapped the beach, it was an hour and a half away, and that was with no traffic (checked in the middle of the night). There was no way we were going that far for a beach with these gas prices."


    2. "My grocery list has shortened."

    A grocery list

    3. "I've found that freezing and meal-prepping as much food as possible saves money. If you can dilute what you cook with water or a cheap ingredient, you can add more seasonings to help with the lack of flavor. Half of my meals are now either rice, beans, chopped salads, and soups. If you also cook with more seasoning and spices, it keeps leftovers from spoiling as quickly."


    4. "No more lash extensions, and I've cut out a lot of online shopping."


    5. "Driving. COVID started it, gas prices finished it. I’m a hermit."


    6. "After three years of trying for a baby, with one ectopic, one chemical pregnancy, and two failed IUIs, it seems like I need to start coming to terms with the fact that we just cannot afford more fertility treatments. Insurance doesn't cover a penny. With the prices of everything going up, how can I afford to spend $1k in medications alone (for one cycle supply) for another IUI? If we decided to do IVF, it would cost us around $12k. It would be worth it if we knew either treatment would work, but there's no way to know that. It's heartbreaking. I had to call up the clinic to tell them we are sitting it out for now."


    7. "My roommate is terrible, but every time I look at rent prices for a one-bedroom, I start to think that maybe my situation is not so bad."


    8. "My dreams of owning a home this year."

    A house

    9. "I'm done with junk food and desserts. If it can't be made into a meal with nutrients then I'm not getting it. I almost stopped buying meat altogether, veggies are way cheaper, and frozen veggies/fruit never go bad. If it's not bills or essential, then I'm not getting it..."


    10. "Having kids. Sorry, but it's a horrible decision from a financial standpoint. One parent at home used to be possible. Now, both parents have to work, leaving strangers to take care of and raise your children."


    11. "Concerts are a thing of the past."

    A crowd at a music concert

    12. "Living in the US. I've been doing a lot of traveling recently and literally everywhere I've been, from Latin America to Europe, the Caribbean to the Mediterranean, has been cheaper to live. Not only that but their social laws are better, and there's an understanding that healthcare and access to affordable housing with amenities are basic human rights. I'm currently in the process of acquiring my EU passport so I can have other options."


    13. "Buying stuff that's not on sale."


    14. "Fresh food. Even though it's not the best for my body, frozen foods are a good investment for preserving most fruits and vegetables these days."

    Frozen strawberries

    15. "Makeup. I used to be the person who wore it every day and enjoyed applying and practicing techniques and experimenting with colors. I can’t afford to paint my face for fun when cauliflower is $8 a head (not that I can afford fresh produce now either, but you catch my drift)."


    16. "Hot showers. Gas prices rose an insane amount, so no more hot water. Lukewarm will have to do."


    17. "The idea of having children."


    18. "As many disposable products as we can. Paper plates, napkins, paper towels, menstrual products, etc."

    A stack of napkins

    19. "I’m currently living alone for the first time and loving my peace and solitude, but everything is getting so expensive that I’m considering going back to living with a roommate. It’s heartbreaking but I’m trying to come to terms with it."


    20. "Doggy daycare. I know it’s a luxury and we’ll be fine but not being able to do that for my pups has been a downer."


    21. "My privacy. All three of my children, plus my granddaughter have moved back in with me since February. All of them have good jobs, and my two boys are military, but rent prices are so high. They all help with the bills because I can’t afford to cover the increase in food and utilities, but it’s crowded."


    22. "Going to the doctor. If I die, I die."


    23. "Spotify. And I always have to reconsider if I was thinking of driving somewhere more than 30 miles round trip."


    24. "I'm not taking my kids on any vacation or trips this year and it makes me so sad. As a single mom, I just can't make it happen and that's my favorite thing to do with/for them once a year."

    Person with a map in a car

    25. "Eating healthier. I had just gotten to the point where I could buy organic produce and unprocessed foods that I felt much better about eating. I can no longer justify it. Seriously, have you looked at fruit prices?"


    26. "I use boxed hair gloss instead of getting my hair dyed at a salon. It doesn’t cover my grays or look particularly good, but it’s a tenth of the cost of hiring a professional to balayage my waist-length hair."


    27. "Sex has an astronomical price tag. I can’t afford the stress and financial strain of a UTI and the government thinks I'm going to have a human?"


    28. "I'm getting extremely frustrated trying to have a savings account."

    A person typing into a calculator

    29. "I've kind of given up on being proposed to right now. We have more important things like gas, bills, and food."


    30. "Doing things spontaneously. Now, I need to sit down and look at my budget before getting in the car and driving to the beach or going out for a meal."


    31. "Being a stay-at-home mom. We originally did it because we couldn't afford daycare, but now he's starting kindergarten this year and I've already started looking for jobs because we can no longer afford for me to stay home."


    32. "I’m actively eating more vegetarian dishes because meat is so expensive. Learning to make more bean and lentil dishes to save on grocery costs. My boyfriend and I will be first-time homeowners this summer and I definitely foresee us losing a bit of weight due to changes in eating."


    What's a way you've been saving money to keep up with inflation? Let me know in the comments.