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    10 Ways To Tell If Your Girlfriend Is Faking Her Orgasms

    If any of the items on this list apply to you, well, you and your partner might want to sit down and have a little chat...

    1. Right after your girlfriend cums, an old lady rolls out from under the bed and says "I'll have what she's having."

    2. Whenever you ask your girlfriend if you can hire a lie detector to ask her questions during sex she says no.

    3. Does her moaning sound weird and crackly? She might be lip-syncing from a pre-recorded track.

    4. Her yearbook superlative was "most likely to fake each and every one of her orgasms".

    5. Her dildo looks nothing like your penis.

    6. She never squirts.

    7. The WiFi password at her apartment is "MyBoyfriendCannotMakeMeCum".

    8. For her birthday, you got her a bumper sticker that reads "My other ride is my sexy boyfriend who ROCKS in bed!" but she still hasn't attached it to her car.

    9. Every time you go down on her and look up to see her reaction she is busy crocheting.

    10. When you ask your girlfriend if she fakes her orgasms she says yes.