The Hometown Visits Episode Of "The Bachelorette" Australia Ended With A Fan Favourite Getting The Boot

    They didn't even have a rose ceremony!

    So tonight was hometown visits on The Bachelorette Australia and things DEFINITELY GOT interesting.

    Well not ALL interesting, Georgia's first three visits were fine, and then she caught up with ol' mate Courtney.

    And people couldn't help but notice how awkward the initial chat was.

    The awkwardness continued when Courtney introduced her to his siblings, and when they asked how the experience was, he just said he was tired.

    Nothing says meet my new girlfriend family, like "I am tired." #BacheloretteAU

    Courtney: I am tired. Me: Same. #BacheloretteAU

    And after a gruelling episode of anus-clenching awkwardness, Georgia finally stepped up, and shipped Courto out.

    And people were LIVING for it.

    "I think you should go now" Oh snap that was harsh! 👍👏😂 Nice one Georgia, Courts had it comin! #BacheloretteAU

    "I think you should go now" I am so shook #BacheloretteAU

    Georgia: "I think you should go now" All of us: #BacheloretteAU

    Although some people really admired Courtney's honesty.

    In a long-term relationship honesty is key. Courtney could've been a keeper. Guys who gush now? Hmm...romance fades! #BacheloretteAU

    Courtney gets booted for being realistic. Well done Georgia... #BacheloretteAU

    One thing's for sure, we all could have done with meeting Fireman Cam's fam.

    And to think we could have met Cam's family #thebacheloretteau #bacheloretteau