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    25 Reasons Why Wanda Maximoff Is A Boss Witch

    All hail the Scarlet Witch, the ~ultimate~ dose of girl power that Marvel needed.

    25. She'd literally throw herself in harm's way to protect her hood.

    24. She don't need no man to watch her back cos she can do it all by herself.

    23. She makes the best out of a bad sitch, like when she used her time in prison to perfect her skillz.

    22. She'll never miss her stop cos she can control the freaking train!

    21. She could solve the world's gun crisis with just a hand gesture.

    20. She serves up a death stare like no other.

    19. She isn’t too shy to sass the condescending patriarchy.

    18. While her brother was all like “yeah, Ultron for President!” - She used her ~psychic powers~ to out him as the homicidal maniac that he was.

    17. Don't even think about concealing your emotion's cos she'll sense them anyway.

    16. When a man (or creature) tries to stop her from doing what she wants, she brings them to their knees.

    15. She's been described as a "weapon of mass destruction" which is the mightiest of compliments for a super hero!

    14. But she always does the right thing, no matter what.

    13. And apparently her reputation precedes her *sassy girl emoji*

    12. Although she isn't too proud to admit when she needs help.

    11. And as supremely powerful as she is, she’s totally cool with showing her emotions

    And maaaaan does she show them!

    10. Then after she’s had her moment, she's ready to slay.

    9. She literally carries the men on her team cos she's strong AF.

    8. She’s the KWEEN of mind games.

    Seriously, she'll fuck you up!

    7. And if you screw with her loved ones, she’ll literally rip your heart right out.

    6. Then follow it up with a witty remark as she death stares your carcass.

    5. She flawlessly one-ups her team mates who run like suckers.

    4. And she totally sticks the super hero landing.

    3. This chick could single-handedly rule the world.

    2. But she'd rather hang with her squad.

    1. And she won’t stand for people questioning her capabilities bc she’s a boss witch!