Ryan Gosling Looks Like 19th-Century Literary Critic Walter Pater

    "Hey, girl. I'm loving your aesthetic." —Walter Pater, probably

    'Sup, nerds. So this is Walter Pater, 19th-century British fictionist, essayist, and literary and art critic.

    What a mustachioed babe, right? (Bear with me.)

    You probably know him from your intro to literary studies course as the pre-Raphaelite homosexual* who wrote The Renaissance, a keystone piece of cultural criticism of a decadent literary movement.

    *LOL, is that a tautology, or...?

    BUT WAIT. Look closely at this etching. Doesn't he look familiar?



    Salem Press, Inc. / Via enotes.com Brad Barket / Via Getty Images Entertainment
    Salem Press, Inc. / Via enotes.com Brad Barket / Via Getty Images Entertainment
    Salem Press, Inc. / Via enotes.com Brad Barket / Via Getty Images Entertainment

    Therefore, it is now time for pre-Raphaelite Ryan Gosling.

    So now you know. Good luck with finals, kids.