21 Pictures Of A Creepy Abandoned Model Village In A Deep Dark Wood In Dudley

    Model village enthusiast Tim Dunn rescued an abandoned village that was buried under 15 years' worth of undergrowth.

    1. Tim Dunn treks all over the world looking for miniature cities and towns.


    It's been an obsession ever since I had a part-time job at the Bekonscot Model Village in Buckinghamshire as a child. It's a big small world; there's even a trade organisation called the International Association of Miniature Parks - there are dozens of model cities open to the public all over the world.

    3. He particularly enjoys finding abandoned miniature parks.

    4. These photos show Himley Hall near Dudley, West Midlands.

    5. The site was due to be flattened, but before the bulldozer arrived Tim and his brother got permission to photograph the tiny buildings and rescue them from the undergrowth.

    There are even model villages built in private gardens. Some are complete worlds of their own, with made-up languages and architectural styles for their inhabitants.


    7. Tim and his brother unearthed Himley Hall under 15 years' worth of brambles and weeds.


    9. The miniature park was built in the garden of a Victorian stately home, which had fallen on hard times in the early 1990s.


    11. There was a model of Dudley High Street in the 1800s, and a whole village laid out to represent Ambridge from The Archers on Radio 4.


    13. Other buildings in Hamley Model Village included: a windmill, a Butcher's shop with model pig heads, Ambridge Church, Ambridge Tudor House, cottages and a coal mine.

    14. There was also a castle collapsing into its moat, an art deco cinema, a farmhouse, and hand-made retro shop interiors.



    17. Encircling the park was a ride-on railway.

    18. After rescuing the model village, Tim put six buildings in storage, including a 27ft steel model Eiffel Tower and Nelson's Column.


