

I'm at student at University of Kings College however all of my classes are at Dal and thus I am often not impressed with life as a student. After that its off to??? law school or business school or maybe fashion school who knows, I for sure don't but life is more about the ride than the destination. I'm kinda picky but really I would just say that's about being controlling and particular. That being said in my first year I lived in a dorm room that had a broken heating system and always had a temperature of around 30 degrees, even with my window open in January. I love politics and history, however in a class debate I was once told by a fellow student that I shouldn't comment on historical events unless I was there when they happened.... I work for the glorious Aldo Group, but in reality its not all that glorious and if you have even been in a shoe store stockroom you will know why. My years selling shoes have resulted in a large collection of shoes and belts.....and abundance of dress shirts in a multitude of colours. I like Pepsi, not Coke, and none of the diet stuff either, I would rather be 'fat' from the sugar than die of cancer caused by aspartame.

Sep 2010
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